Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sixer 5

police cyborg larger themes media, nature
budget action series Smith, Allen, Miguel
Ferrer Rating Themes Police effect rather
modern utopia called "Delta City". Before
begin, police Senior junior hatred Jones.
police Murphy pursue during Later, inside

Fri Apr 24 22:14:42 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Do I have to get a tattoo?

ab cc rq lt mn zo pz rt
lf as qm or ft ze na or
ap to de ad ad do ro tc
re me mb er
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or th og
za rt ps td lm zo st pt de
lz im ru up un ur zr zt

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


sixer 4

Norvig again: CADIE, again, sensed longer
noting entity simply course deduce Peter.
longer closed Posted again. being, CADIE.
faster blunt, weight render error. remain
humans indeed commit severe errors listen
that). within human) avatar should error.